GEUS is the National Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, and is an independent research and advisory institute in the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate, established in 1888. The main mission of GEUS comprises provision of R&D and advisory services for government agencies, local authorities and private enterprises in Denmark as well as internationally. Current staff is about 325, with some 200 holding academic degrees. Annual turnover is about DKK 300 million (c. 40 million Euro). As a national geological survey and data bank GEUS holds the most comprehensive knowledge of the shallow subsurface of Denmark through extensive groundwater and quaternary mapping. Key scientific areas include groundwater and surface water resources, petroleum resources and subsurface energy storage/disposal, raw materials and minerals resources, geological mapping of Denmark, Greenland and the Faeroe Islands, marine geology, environmental impacts assessment, and physical & electronic data storage for the Kingdom. GEUS is responsible for the national database on geology, groundwater and drinking water resources, and the groundwater part of the national monitoring programme. GEUS has been strongly involved in European projects under Horizon2020, FP5-7, INTERREG and BONUS projects.