Recently released on the FAIRWAYiS website - an infographic about the Environmental Yardstick decision support tool and accompanying environmental impact sheets.
»Environmental Yardstick decision support tool
Environmental Yardstick is designed by FAIRWAY partner CLM Research and Advise to quantify the environmental impact of the use of pesticides in outdoor and greenhouse crops. For each pesticide the Yardstick assigns environmental impact points for the risk to water organisms, the risk of leaching to groundwater and the risk to soil organisms. The Yardstick shows the risk to pollinators, beneficials and applicators. It is used in the Netherlands as a management tool for farmers and technical consultants, for monitoring the environmental performance of farmers, for setting standards for ecolabels, for the supply chain to be able to purchase sustainable agricultural products, and as a policy evaluation tool. For each of the principal crops there is an accompanying environmental impact sheet with all pesticides that can be applied. It enables the user to compart and choose the least harmful crop protection strategy.