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News articles released during the project.
List of articles in category News
December 2021: New scientific publication
December 2021: New video clip
November 2021: Stakeholder engagement and governance
November 2021: FAIRWAY's key messages
November 2021: New scientific publication
October 2021: The Conversation article
September 2021: Webinar - Measures and DSS tools
August 2021: Coherence in EU law and policy - a new infographic
August 2021: Potential synergies - a new infographic
July 2021: Prevent pesticide pollution - a new infographic
May 2021: Research highlights - Use of passive samplers in drinking water catchments
March 2021: New scientific publication
March 2021: Is it a good day to spray? Webinar about new app
February 2021: Cleaning out the pesticide store - new infographic
November 2020: New CAP: an opportunity for water policies?
September 2020: Danish farmers' recommendations - new infographic
September 2020: New scientific publication
August 2020: Environmental Yardstick - new infographic
July 2020: Research highlights - Evaluation of decision support tools
July 2020: Research highlights - Survey and review of decision support tools
May 2020: New scientific publication
May 2020: Social media campaign highlighting the FAIRWAY case studies
May 2020: New scientific publication
March 2020: Knowledge and Innovation Day
March 2020: New FAIRWAY publication
January 2020: Barriers and issues in providing integrated scientific support or EU policy
January 2020: The Knowns and Unknowns of the Herbicide MCPA
December 2019: new infographic released
November 2019: Two new videos released
September 2019: 3rd Plenary meeting, Ljubljana
June 2019: FAIRWAY Workshop, LuWQ2019, Aarhus
May 2019: Joint FAIRWAY - WaterProtect national stakeholder group meeting in Denmark
March 2019: Decision support tools workshop
December 2018: FAIRWAY & WATER PROTECT Joint Conference
October 2018: International Conference: Water Science for Impact
October 2018: Legal Policy & Governance WP Meeting
June 2018: Second FAIRWAY Plenary meeting
May 2018: EIP-AGRI workshop
April 2018: FAIRWAY decision support tool workshop
December 2017: FAIRWAY workshop event in Brussels
December 2017: FAIRWAY and WaterProtect Joint Launch
November 2017: FAIRWAY meeting in Naples
December 2017: Launch meeting & afternoon Workshop for FAIRWAY and WaterProtect
1 June 2017: The project FAIRWAY officially starts
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